Is Relationship Issues or Breakups the main cause of Depression or Suicide

Most individuals can suffer from depression or may commit suicide due to a breakup with their partners. Presently, cheating cases are increasing among married couples across the world. Some people cannot tolerate breakups with their partners and commit suicide. Several Bollywood celebrities also commit suicide due to breakups or relationship issues with their partners. Both…

Is online dating safe

Online Dating – Online dating is also known as internet dating is a system which allows people for finding and introducing themselves to potential connections over the Internet. It involves personal, romantic, or sexual relationships. In online dating, a male person contacts to female person by using an online dating service. In online dating, a…

Challenges in the Upcoming New Year 2022

At present, the omicron variant, a new variant of Covid-19 is spreading rapidly across the world including India, and is more contagious as compared with old variants including the delta variant. The main challenge is to prevent the spreading of the omicron variant all around the world by rapidly vaccination, ban on gathering parties, and…

How to Prevent Suicide

Introduction – Now suicide is the leading cause of death including children and youngsters all over the world. There are several warning signs of suicide indicated by his or her behavior such as depression, live alone, always talk about suicide, aggressive behavior, and many more. Thus, parents, friends, and teachers play an important to prevent…

Suicide: Symptoms, Causes, and Risk Factors

Introduction – Suicide is the act of intentionally that causing one’s own death due to severe depression. Depression, personality disorders, anxiety, alcohol use disorder, bipolar disorder, and many more are the risk factors of suicide. Several suicides are impulsive due to relationship problems including the death of close ones and breakups, financial problem, and harassment….

Why is the population of Tiger decreasing globally?

Now the days of technology and humans destroying the forests, killing innocent animals, creates pollutions that cause immediate climate changes are responsible for reducing the number of tigers all over the world. In the name of development, we cutting a large number of trees to build highways that change climate and affect animal survival. The…

Is Family May Responsible for Depression or Suicides

Introduction – A family is a group of people that are related either by blood relationship or marriage or other relationship. In older days, joint family always available for you in difficult times and live very happily with great love. If any individual is suffering from any problems regarding money or other problems then all…

What are the main problems of India after Independence

Our country facing several problems after Independence  such as over population, illiteracy, unemployment, shortage in food, water, health problems, crime against women and electricity, poverty, drainage system, over prices of rice, pulse, vegetables, law and order, corruption and many more problems in India. When the elections like Lok sabha and Vidhan sabha elections were conducted…

10 best ways or tips to reduce stress

Now, there is a race of competition increases in youth for selection in competitive exams, gaining in percentage on board exams, got a job for earning money that creates stress especially in youth. Tension increases in marriage life, making a career, boy friend girlfriend relationship, and responsibility of how to manage family is also one…