22 Amazing Facts about Jellyfish

Jellyfish – are jelly-like creatures that may be found mainly in water both warm and cold water. They are commonly found in coastal zones across the world.  Many jellyfish are clear and some are vibrant colors of purple, yellow, blue, and pink. Jellyfish may be bioluminescent so they produce their own light. Jellyfish have existed…

10 Amazing Facts about Octopuses

Introduction – Octopuses have curious features and are also known for their eight arms and their intelligence. They are predators and use their arms to catch prey. Octopuses also use their arms to help them move around in the water. Octopuses are very important members of the ocean ecosystem and also provide food for other…

6 Interesting Facts About Elephants

Elephant – It is one of the largest existing land animals with massive bodies, long trunks, and large ears on earth. Elephant uses their trunk to suck up water for bathing or drinking, pick up objects for eating, and many more. There are two types of elephants – Asian elephants and African elephants across the…

Why do Plants Look Green?

Plants are very important for life on the earth by releasing oxygen in the atmosphere, absorb carbon dioxide, regulate or maintains the water cycle and provide habitat or food for humans and animals. The plants that carry out photosynthesis are green in color and it can be explained below. The color of an object is…

What is the difference between algae and fungi?

Algae are mainly water plants dwelling on ponds, rivers, seas, lakes, oceans, ditches and other water bodies. Some species are also found on stones, the bark of trees, fences, etc generally in moist environment. They are photosynthetic organisms that have chlorophyll and can make their own food. Fungi do not have chlorophyll so these organisms…

Virus: The Submicroscopic Infectious Agent

Virus – The virus is known as a submicroscopic agent because its species have virions, which are so small and can be seen with an optical microscope. The virus replicates only inside the live cells. A virus cannot replicate alone. Now coronavirus is spread in the year 2019 that is responsible for lakhs of people…

What is the career scope in Genetic Engineering?

Genetic Engineering is the process of adding new DNA to an organism manually. DNA is a molecule which is found in the nucleus of every cell and is made up of segments A, T, G and C. Small segments of DNA are called genes. An organism may have thousands of genes. Genetic Engineering works by…

Nervous System

Nervous system – Nervous or neural system is the most important system of an animal and man. It is a system of highly specialized nerve fibers, nerve cells and organs that coordinate and control the activities of different parts of the body. This is done by converting the internal and external stimuli of environmental changes…


Brain It is the central organ of the nervous system of human, and with the spinal cord makes up the central nervous system. It consists of the brainstem, the cerebrum, and the cerebellum. In human body, brain controls most of the activities of the body such as integrating, processing, and coordinating the information which receives…