World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought

Introduction – World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought will be celebrated on June 17 every year. The main purpose of this day is to raise awareness of the presence of desertification and drought, highlighting methods to prevent desertification and to recover from drought.

History – When United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification is drafted then the United Nations General Assembly resolution had passed on January 30, 1995, to celebrate June 17 as a World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought. On this day, the United Nations, NGOs, and other countries organize several events for spreading awareness to combat desertification and drought all over the world.

Benefits of land restoration – There are several benefits of land restoration such as income growth, reduce the change in climate, economic resilience, recharges biodiversity, and food security. We have transformed a maximum of three-quarters of land for material requirements, such as homes highways, food, raw materials. So, recharging the natural ecosystem and reversing the loss of productive land is important for the survival of human beings on Earth.

Theme – The theme of this day is ‘’Restoration, Land, and Recovery We build back better with healthy land’’. The United Nation will be concentrated on how the personal impact of desertification can be reduced all around the world.  The best way for restoration is to stop immediately the process of desertification and to combat soil fertility, we should be maintained by planting thousands of trees that will lead to land settlement.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. So nicely explained 🙏🌷👌

    Liked by 1 person

    1. daneelyunus says:

      Thank you 😊


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