What are the precautions and symptoms of corona virus

At present corona virus is one of the threats in all around the world including India. There is an outbreak of the corona virus which is also known as COVID-19 in China causing global concern. This virus came from a meat and seafood market in Wuhan, China. After that it has spread in all over the world including India. There are large amount of people are died in all around the world especially in Italy, Iran, America, Spain and China.  Due to corona virus it greatly affects n the economy in all over the world in which may thousands of jobs will reduce and unemployment and rapidly increases may be in upcoming days.


In India, gradually increase in the number of people affected with corona virus which is serious problem. Most of the states in our country are affected with corona virus. Thus Indian Government took the tough step of 21-day Lockdown in India to fight with covid-19.  This lockdown helps in spreading the corona virus in stage 3.

Before discuss this topic let us discuss about corona virus

What is corona virus – It is that type of virus is found in animals that can be transmitted from animals to humans and then spread person to person.  There are other human corona viruses such as the MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) virus, the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome). The SARS virus is first identified in the Guangdong province of southern China.

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Causes of corona virus – As per doctor, human get corona virus first from contact with animals. After that it can spread from human to human. At present health officials did not know about what animals caused corona virus. This type of virus can be spread via contact with certain bodily fluids including droplets in a cough. It also spread or caused by touching infected person and then touching with your hand to your nose, mouth, nose, and eyes

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Symptoms of corona virus – This virus takes 2 to 14 days after exposure for developing. There are some of the symptoms which are as given below

  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sore throat
  • Fever
  • Runny nose

This virus damaged the immune system of human which may develop more serious symptoms such as bronchitis or pneumonia. Most of the confirmed cases in adults but some of the children are also infected with corona virus.

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Precautions – As we know there are not vaccines or medicine for the treatment of this virus but there are some of the precautions to prevent corona virus which are as given below –

  • If you are suffering any symptoms of corona virus then immediately contact with your doctor. By chance if you are suffering with corona virus then your family, town or city are also in danger to the life with the spread of corona virus from human to human.
  • When you are return from any work in bank, pay electric bill or any other work then wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds for preventing the spread of corona virus to your family members.
  • If you return from out of affected city or any country then immediately contact with your contact and self isolation for 14 days to avoid spread of corona virus.
  • When you go for any work then avoid crowd in the city or any shop which is benefit for you.
  • You should avoid visit marriages or parties or any religious event or any other gathering event in your city.
  • If you suffering from cough or sneezes then should cover your nose by using tissue at the time of coughing or sneezing to prevent the spreading of corona virus.
  • When you at the shop or any other place should maintain distance from those people who have the problem of sneezing and cough.
  • You should stay at home and fight against covid-19. If you have emergency work then go outside the home.
  • If you have a problem of cough or sneezing then must stay at home and self-isolate in your house which helps in preventing the spreading of corona virus
  • Do not touch your nose, mouth or eyes if you are outside from home and your hands are not clean.

Conclusion – Common people should also take precautions to prevent spreading the corona virus in your family or town or in your city.   People of our country should support Indian Government for tough steps against covid-19 and obeys the Lockdown in India with stay at home to prevent spreading of corona virus in all over India.

42 Comments Add yours

  1. mahimajalan says:

    informative post!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Miishuangmu says:

    Great overview and summary.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. daneelyunus says:

      Thanks for appreciation and reading my post

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      1. Miishuangmu says:

        It is a pleasure. Always.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. daneelyunus says:


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  3. Sharp Opinion says:

    I write similar .
    would you mind checking out my blog

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    1. daneelyunus says:

      Ok i will check

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      1. Sharp Opinion says:

        Thanks! Means a lot getting response from such an established blogger

        Liked by 1 person

      2. daneelyunus says:

        Most welcome


      3. Sharp Opinion says:

        Feel free to reblog n share ! Thanks a lot dude

        Liked by 1 person

      4. daneelyunus says:

        Most welcome, thanks for appreciation and visit my website


      5. Sharp Opinion says:


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  4. Well-written!!!
    Here’s the link to my article on how the COVID-19 outbreak impacts our family during the national lockdown here in India.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. daneelyunus says:

      Thanks for appreciation and reading my post


  5. ShankySalty says:

    Really very informative post. Thank for writing this blog post.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. daneelyunus says:

      Welcome dear, thanks for appreciation and reading my post


  6. Geet Sehgal says:

    Not animal to animal and animal to human. Helpful post. Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. daneelyunus says:

      Most welcome, thanks for appreciation and reading my post


  7. sierrasem says:

    it’s crazy how easy it can spread

    Liked by 1 person

    1. daneelyunus says:

      Yes it can easily spread from human to human


  8. heatherjo says:

    It’s so important to listen to the guidelines from the CDC and our government. It’s shocking how many people are not obeying social distancing directives. It will only prolong the agony of this virus. Thanks for the great reminders. May Jehovah God be with all of us during this difficult time.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. daneelyunus says:

      Yes agree with you, thanks for comment and reading my post


    1. daneelyunus says:

      Thanks for appreciation and reading my post

      Liked by 2 people

  9. Everything in this world is for some good reason. Every problem comes in our lives to teach us something good. This time Corona has brought about many new lessons for us like, we should not play with Nature, human ability is limited and ought to act in his own capacity, limitations of science, reconciliation between science and religion, a new understanding of the conflict between liberty of individual and the powers of state, new concepts of fedralism.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. daneelyunus says:

      U rite , thanks for comment and reading my post

      Liked by 1 person

      1. My pleasure sir

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Akshay Sinha says:

    Very informative post .. Truly a good person

    Liked by 1 person

    1. daneelyunus says:

      Thanks for appreciation and reading my post

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Akshay Sinha says:

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    Liked by 1 person

  12. It very good information

    Liked by 1 person

    1. daneelyunus says:

      Thanks for appreciation and reading my post


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