Advantages and disadvantages of ghee

Ghee – It is very commonly used in cooking the food and also served in lunch and dinner. The ghee is prepared from the milk. The good quality of the ghee which is depends upon the quality of the milk. It contains Vitamin A,D,E, and K. Ghee is useful in increasing your weight, prosperity and strength. As per research, it has Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which is benefit for overweight people and useful in improving immunity. It has no salt or sugar and also lactose-free.

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Advantages of ghee – There are several advantages of ghee which is discussed below

  1. Daily consumption of ghee increases the mental and physical health which keeps the healthy body.
  2. It improves the eyesight and also retains the tendons and muscles healthy.
  3. It is essential for keep the body healthy and also used in gaining the weight.
  4. Ghee is used without refrigeration due to it does not spoil easily.
  5. It contains oil soluble vitamins A and E.
  6. The pure ghee contains less fat as compared to the butter which is a better option for high cholesterol people.
  7. It is essential to body to for certain fats in the body which perform energetic functions such as strengthening cell membranes, protecting the stomach and preserve the nerve, brain, skin, and body healthy.
  8. The ghee also serves for improving the taste of food.

Disadvantages of ghee – There are few disadvantages of ghee are as given below

  1. The main disadvantage of ghee is consuming unnecessary amount of ghee so it rapidly increase the weight of the body which creates several diseases.
  2. It increases the cholesterol due to the obesity.
  3. Ghee is also harmful for pregnant ladies due to increases in the weight.
  4. Consuming unnecessary amount of ghee is not good for heart.

11 Comments Add yours

  1. jyo says:

    Too much of anything is bad for us, just to keep the portions under control 💯 nice post🔝

    Liked by 4 people

    1. daneelyunus says:

      Thank you,, yes u rite too much consuming anything including ghee is harmful for health

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Nice post. I use ghee everyday. Be learned some new facts from you

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Thanks for sharing this info. I always wondered about ghee. And thanks for swinging by the “Ranch” and for the follow. We 💙 visitors.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. daneelyunus says:

      Most welcome, thanks for appreciation and reading my post

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Amanda Berndt says:

    Thank you so much for the information, I always love to learn new things and I’m going to try and make homemade ghee.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. daneelyunus says:

      Most welcome, thanks for appreciation and reading my post


  5. Tim says:

    Start doing some research fat and cholesterol isn’t the cause of diseases it’s the sweet sweets gheebwon’t do anything if you cut out your sweets but if you have sweets it’s going to store everything as fat

    Liked by 1 person

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