World Book Day 2024

World Book Day is also called as World Book and Copyright Day, or International Day of the Book, and is celebrated every year on April 23 across the world which marks the death anniversaries of both popular authors Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare. This global day is the best way for paying tribute to the enduring effect of books and their creators or makers. It also promotes the love of fun or love of writing and reading books.

People celebrate World Book Day to highlight the scope of the book and their capability to educate, unite, and inspire individuals from different backgrounds. This day also promotes the fun or joy of reading books and gaining knowledge that is used in the future life. The main purpose of this international day is to promote the joy of reading books which is a good hobby and is also beneficial for your career. This International Day also encourages people of all ages to engage with different types of books, which resonate with them.

Some people spend their special time in readings different types of books including stories books, novels, course books, and many more. This International Day provides a platform for individuals across the world especially the investors or stakeholders of the literary world such as publishers, librarians, authors, public and private institutions, mass media, and many more to come together for promoting literacy and help everybody get access to educational resources.

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