14 Amazing Health benefits of Apple

Apple – Apples are one of the most popular fruit throughout the world including India. Apples are pomaceous fruits which belong to the Rosacea family (tree) and its scientific name is Malus domestica. In Asia and Europe, the apples are grown in thousands of years. This fruit were carried to North America by European colonist. The importance of apple is in mythological and religious in several cultures including Norse, Greek and European Christian traditions. The production of apples globally in 2014 was 84.6 million tonnes where China accounting for 48% of the total.

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There are different 7,500 varieties of apple and they are available in different colors such as red, yellow, and green. Majority of apple are produced in mountainous areas in our country. During winter season apples are produced. Apple juice is popular during summer season which is very delicious and tasty. Great amount of fiber and Vitamin C are present in Apple and also low in calories without fat or cholesterol.

Health benefits of Apple – There are several benefits of apple which are discussed below

  1. Improve digestion – Apple contains high level of fiber which is beneficial in improving digestion. Fiber is an important for our diet and benefits in food which pass through the digestive area easily. It encourages the release of gastric and digestive juices which is the reason for improve digestion.
  2. Reduce blood sugar level – Due to polyphenol antioxidant are present in apple, reduces the sugar level in blood. The polyphenols also reduce the absorption of glucose in which encourages the release of insulin resulting to control blood sugar level.
  3. Lower the risk of cancer – The daily consumption of apple may decrease the risk of developing pancreatic cancer at about 23 per cent. Apples are used in treating several types of cancers including breast and colon cancer. As per research, the capacity of the apple to decrease lung cancer and slow the spread while it develop.
  4. Prevent Anemia – High level of iron are present in apple which are helpful in preventing anemia. Anemia is caused due to lack of iron which affects deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood. This disease can be treated by increasing the consumption of iron which increases red blood cells. So Apple are beneficial in prevent anemia.
  5. Good for heart– Apple contain soluble fiber which can decrease the cholesterol level in blood for healthy heart. Lower the cholesterol is very beneficial for heart. Due to the flavonoid and antioxidant property in apple it can prevent heart disease by reducing blood pressure, and LDL oxidation.
  6. Reduce weight – Due to high fiber content in apple, they are useful in reducing weight. The calorie in the apple which is not absorbed in our body is beneficial for obesity people. There are several diseases are related with obesity including heart diseases, high blood pressure and diabetes.
  7. Prevent Rheumatism – Apples are rich in flavonoids which are helpful in preventing rheumatoid and inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and gout.
  8. Improve eyesight – Apples are helpful in improve and stronger eyesight or vision by reducing the effect of free radicals on the eyes during macular degeneration, cataract, and glaucoma because apples contain flavonoid compounds and antioxidant phytonutrients. This fruit is also used in curing night blindness.
  9. Remove weakness – The individual who suffering from illness because of sickness is always given apple to reduce weakness. Due to antioxidant compounds and protein are found in apples, it’s preventing weakness and improve the muscle.
  10. Strong teeth – Apples are useful in cleaning the teeth and gums because it decreases the occurrence of cavities in the teeth. An apple promotes the production of saliva in the mouth, which lowers the tooth decay by reducing the levels of bacteria.
  11. Healthy Intestine – Apple are favorable for healthier working of the bacteria which is living in our large intestine. It promoted metabolism for better health by exploiting nutrient uptake and removing harmful bacteria and toxins
  12. Cure Asthma – Apple can also use in control the immune system and reduce swelling which protects against asthma.
  13. Treat Alzheimer’s – Due to the antioxidant effects of the phytonutrient compounds in apples Apples are beneficial in reducing Alzheimer’s diseases. Apple juice increases the level of acetylcholine and neurotransmitter in the brain which improves memory in increasing age. Reduced acetylcholine is linked to Alzheimer’s disease.
  14. Prevent Parkinson’s Diseases – Apple also beneficial for those people who eat apple, prevent the regular breakdown of dopamine-producing nerve cells which protects against Parkinson’s disease as per research

8 Comments Add yours

  1. jyo says:

    This is quite interesting info👌👌

    Liked by 2 people

    1. daneelyunus says:

      Thank you so much


  2. Rekha Sahay says:

    True, it’s famous ——
    An apple 🍎 a day keeps doctor away.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. daneelyunus says:

      Yes mam its a nutrious fruit

      Liked by 1 person

  3. commememucho says:

    Fiesta thing I Learned when studing English: “One Apple a day keeps the doctor away”. 😊😊

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dr B says:

    This is a really beautiful post .Apple contains a good amount of fibre that is good for human health.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. daneelyunus says:

      Thank you for apprciation

      Liked by 1 person

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