My Favorite Neighbour’s Gift

What’s the oldest thing you own that you still use daily?

The oldest things that I still use daily is my favourite neighbour’s gift are set of boxes that was gave me when I shifted to another city. I kept our medicines, pens, and more things in these set of  boxes. I use these boxes about 34 years when my favourite neighbour Goldi Aunty gifted this box in the 1990s at the time of arriving another city.

When my father transferred to the city then we were shift house in the front of Goldi Aunty. After shifted in the house, our parents met Goldi Aunty and we were friends. I called Goldi Didi and we were met in any celebration or any event.

During free time, Goldi Didi teaches me and played with me. When our parents are busy or went any outside then I met Goldi Didi and we were best friends in several months.

After 3 years, my father again transferred in another city then we were prepared to shift another city. In the last night, Goldi Aunty invited our family for dinner as farewell. I was very sad and full of tears in the last night because I will never meet again our Goldi Didi after that day.

At the time of arriving, Goldi Didi gave me a gift of set of boxes with full of tears. I also felt very sad and full of tears as we will  never meet again with Goldi Didi in the future life.

Now, I still use the precious or memorable gift of our Goldi Didi about 34 years to keep our medicines, pens and many more things.  I also searched Goldi Didi on several social media websites but I did not found her. I want to meet again Goldi Didi but I failed to search our favourite neighbor.

When I saw this box then I remembered our Goldi Didi with full of tears.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Priti says:

    Wow so beautiful! I got a brass jewellery box from my great granny still I use it 😁

    Liked by 4 people

    1. daneelyunus says:

      Thanks for visiting my website and reading my post

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